A response to 'Crisis in the Classroom'

Thank you for your reporting on a wide range of issues affecting Northwest Florida. In regard to Tuesday's segment, "Crisis in the Classroom", please consider reporting on the many fine things going on throughout the district.

Focusing on Escambia County Public Schools, consider:

  • For 35 years, its Foundation has bolstered district initiatives and funded the most innovative classroom projects largely from behind the scenes. Each year, over $100k goes back into our local community in the form of grants, awards, and scholarships for deserving students.

  • From National Flight Academy to health sciences, look to all the good Career Academies do to prepare middle and high school students for successful lives.

  • Each month, hundreds of guardians benefit from an emerging, Parent University session which received an IMPACT 100 grant late 2022.

And there are many, many more examples. To forgo an opportunity to celebrate these wins in our district and only focus on the negative would be regrettable. Please consider.



Kudos to Civic Con